Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Wonderland!

Sometimes, when we least expect it,snow comes and the whole world becomes fresh, clean and beautiful for a few hours. We look at it with wonder and behold its beauty and we are thankful for new beginnings.


  1. Love the pics Mom! It was nice being able to enjoy Christmas and the snow with you!

  2. well its about time you blogged something..love the snow pictures..have a great wednesday;)

  3. Your yard looks like ours!
    Nerdygirl is an awesome screen name, LOL!
    Love it.
    Guess what, Terri!
    YOU won the Life:Beautiful magazine giveaway!
    Check your email!
    Isn't that cool?

  4. Ohhh girl the snow pics are beautiful!!!! We don't get much snow down here but when we do we run outside and stare at it like it is a magical being from another planet...then we quickly come to our senses and head to the store to buy all the milk and bread in sight..with cars sliding all over the road with everybody preparing for the great 'snow blizzard'...all 1/2 inch of it!!!! lol lol Thanks for coming by girl..hope you have a great day!...Picket
