Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just Plain Country Walnut Cove NC

Yesterday was full to the brim. I waited for a call from Just Plain Country saying that people had moved out of the space that I wanted to move into. It becomes like an airport trying to land circling planes. One person has to move from their space so another person can move in and then someone else moves into person #2's space and it goes on and on. The call came around 11:00 am. I had the car loaded and was ready to roll. I had to take everything out of my existing booth (I was moving to a larger space). I decided to keep one space and tried to change the decor in it to red, white and blue items....old quilts, pottery, dishes, flag boxes, hand made flags, throws, etc. In the new booth I put Fall items.....a 66 pc set of Pfaltzgraft Iris dishes, brown blown glass, sunflower pillows, candle holders and grungy candles, books, Black Eyed Susans, a bundle of wheat, glass jars and old dolls, etc, etc. Things are priced to sell quickly because I have a lot more treasures I want to put in their so others can buy them to enjoy. Have you ever been to Just Plain Country in Walnut Cove, NC. Not far from Winston, Greensboro and tons of little towns around it. They have over 150 vendors and two floors of treasures to look out and find for your very own. I worked over five hours getting my two spaces ready and then don't you know I went and shopped from the other 149 people:) Once I figure out how to take pictures and post them to the blog I will share what I have left behind and what I have brought home to keep. My husband says things tend to come in faster than going out.....I'm afraid he is right.

Please visit with me often and ask a question or two so that I will know what you are thinking.

Thanks for coming!!


  1. Wow, I bet your booth looks great. I haven't been there yet but I will go at some point I am sure. Do you see a lot of cast iron pieces selling? I recently bought some sad irons (such a great name!) and trivets for the irons. I had never seen the trivets before.

    Good luck in your new place!

  2. Hi there. Welcome to blog land. Don't worry, you will get the hang of the picture thing soon. I didn't know anything about blogs when I started. And I'm still learning. I will look forward to seeing some pictures of the antique booth soon. :-)

  3. The pictures are up and showing at last, please check it out and thank you for your kind words.
