Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Busy Day in the Life Of .....

We ran out to eat lunch and so I could stop at King Antique Mall to take pictures. Now I have shown you 3 of my 4 antique mall spaces. When I see the pictures I think it looks so crowded. In real life when the eye can see the entire space it doesn't look quite as overloaded (I hope). I am glad to be back home and out of the heat. Aren't we funny human beings.....when it is winter we want spring and then summer hits and we start longing for fall. Is there someone out there that yearns for summer (for the heat, not to get out of school)?

I love reading your posts and comments. If I have a lonely spell I can just go to your writings and suddenly I am having a visit with someone who shares how they think and feel. It is a privilege in such a busy world. I hope you will the same way about what I share with you as the days go on.


  1. Wow--That's the one I was in!! It's so cool to see your pictures. I had left another comment earlier, it looks like it didn't show up for some reason-- I guess that happens sometimes. Your booths are just gorgeous and I love the jewelery. You have the neatest stuff and I am so proud of all that you do.

  2. It is the same place. I'm glad you like it. I'm going to bringing more jewelry soon and changing it out. You'll have to come back and take a look.

  3. Hey you got alot of treasures there! I love looking thru Antigue Malls and finding a treasure. I want to thank you for visiting and taking the time to had ask if there was more of my post past 08'...I'm afraid not...there use to be but I deleted my blog once and lost all post above 08'...I use to show my rooms on HGTV's Rate My Space and I met so many friends there and was always telling stories of my life and when all my friends started blogs I thought I'd try and so see alot of other bloggers know me from Rate My Space as Picket and the fact that I am always talking about my family and the love I have for them I guess I think everybody knows the whole story! lol lol Gosh girl I am humbled that you read back to 08'...hope you got a few laughs along the way! lol Take care and have a great weekend..~Picket~

  4. Ok, that does it! Now I have to go antiquing today. LOL We are furloughed today so I can play a little. :-) Looks like you found some great things!

  5. In a rushed world full of Malls and stores, there is something very different about walking and relaxing in an antique mall. We see things from our youth and things from our Grandma's house and we are left alone by the staff to enter into a realm full of memories of days gone buy. I think it can be an experience that is priceless!!
